
Zhejiang Chaofeng Curtain Wall Co., Ltd.
Source:  Date:2015-07-17 15:10:51  Author:

Zhejiang Chaofeng Curtain Wall Co., Ltd. Locates at No. 38 Beitang Road, Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone. Established in Mar, 2010, the company has Grade B qualification for both design and construction for curtain wall project, and is professional in the field of design, install and manufacture projects of curtain wall, metal door and window.At present, the company has approx. 20000 square meters of workshop, which has applied 2 brand new processing flow lines and sets of numerical control equipments from Italy Feimu Co., Ltd. Meanwhile, the company has a high-quality professional and experienced team consists by first & second-grade registered construction engineers, secondary & senior engineers, designers, economists and accountants. With a series departments of designing, manufacturing, installation and after-sale service, together with our comprehensive administrative standard, we are confident to say that we can delivery with high quality projects to meet the requirement of clients.

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