
Zhejiang Quzhou Chaofeng Investment Co., Ltd.
Source:  Date:2015-07-17 15:13:11  Author:

Quzhou Chaofeng Investment Co., Ltd. was founded on October 12, 2001. It is a affiliate company of Zhejiang Chaofeng Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Its register capital is ¥10,000,000. There were four major departments in our company: the investigating and analyzing department, the engineering department, the sale department and the finance department. Our job focused on the asset investment, the real estate development and the market exploitation.

In 2001, Quzhou Chaofeng Investment Co., Ltd. has invested over ¥70,000,000 to build the largest multi-functional market, named Kaihua Commerce & Trade Mall, in western Zhejiang. The market is now going into use. The market not only optimized the commercial structure but also greatly developed the commerce in Kaihua county.

Quzhou Chaofeng Investment Co., Ltd. always focuses on the steel structure manufacturing of its mother company, Zhejiang Chaofeng Steel Structure Co., Ltd. To achieve this goal, Quzhou Chaofeng Investment Co., Ltd. made a strategy to develop the up-stream and down-stream industry of the steel structure manufacturing. At the same time, our company developed the real estate investment and the steel structure manufacturing market. We decided to improve our company's competence by running capital usefully.

Copyright@2018Chao Feng Steel Group Co., Ltd.All rights reserved
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