
Cao'e River Lee hub platform
Source:  Date:2015-07-24 09:46:30  Author:

Name: Cao'e River viewing platform and hub 

Detail:Caoe River sluice is the key construction projects in Zhejiang Province, is the country approved the implementation of major water conservancy projects, also in Zhejiang Province in eastern Zhejiang water diversion project project, the steel structure of the project divided into traffic, overpasses, and traffic building, ground transportation in the gates of the five separated pier, main body of four layers and local folder go, is a multi-storey building. Through the closure of the traffic bridge and the two sides set up the control building, traffic overpass is located in the main traffic bridge deck, a total length of 716 meters. The structure form of the basic structure of the H type steel fox shaped beam and box girder, the multi - layer steel frame structure, the bottom of the bridge is the space truss structure of the box column and tube truss.

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