
Hangzhou Jiubao bridge (Qianjiang eight bridge)
Source:  Date:2015-07-24 09:25:41  Author:


Name: Hangzhou Jiubao bridge (Qianjiang eight bridge) 

Detail:Hangzhou Jiubao bridge (Qianjiang eight bridge) project is located in Peng Bu bridge (original Qianjiang bridge downstream 5 kilometers place, north of Jianggan District Jiubao Zhen Yang Gong Cun, South to the Xiaoshan District Binjiang Road, ca. 1855 meters. Engineering design according to the standard of urban expressway, two-way 6 driveway, design speed of 80 km / hour standard deck width of 31.5 meters, which lane width 11.75 meters (one-way), 3 meters wide on both sides of the layout of the slow line. The main bridge of the combined beam arch steel structure, steel structure construction of the tidal peak total amount of steel nearly 10000 tons.

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