
Hangzhou Ningbo passenger Yuci station
Source:  Date:2015-07-24 09:50:54  Author:


Name: Hangzhou Ningbo passenger Yuci station 

Detail:Yuci station steel structure consists of two parts: line station, station canopy. Platform 16.55 meters high, the platform 2, the size of 450X12 meters, for the elevated station. Canopy beam top elevation 17.85 meters. Line station is a concrete frame structure, the local light steel roof, station consists of steel, steel support, maximum span of steel girder for 32.7 meters, on the ground floor, partial set dissection. Platform canopy for railway bridge cap beam supported by steel columns and solid web steel beam consists of a steel frame system, lightweight steel roofing, mainly by the steel beams, columns, doors arch truss, steel support, steel roof truss, connecting pieces, steel column was the highest 27.85 meters.

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