
Li Ning Stadium
Source:  Date:2015-07-25 10:00:26  Author:


Name: Li Ning Stadium 

Detail:Guangxi Li Ning stadium with a total construction area of 23049.15 square meters, the ground floor area of 2558.51 square meters. Building basement area of 11051.59 square meters. The total number of seats 8040, including 6024 fixed seats, the activities of 1992 seats, 24 seats with seat. This project is a new project, the competition field uses the large span two-way steel truss, the training hall is the portal steel frame, and the other parts adopt the reinforced concrete frame structure. Stadium North South to the length of 101.1 meters, roofing for two-way BOX steel tube truss and H type steel beam combination structure. Truss maximum span of 72 meters. 

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