
Xiamen Jiageng Gymnasium
Source:  Date:2015-07-24 10:08:50  Author:

Name: Xiamen Jiageng Gymnasium 

Detail:By triumpher steel construction, the construction of the Xiamen Jiageng stadium project total land area of about 50000 square meters, with a total construction area of 38028 square meters, building a total height of 35.55 meters, the column height 13 meters. There are 6500 sports stands, in September 2005 through the structural acceptance. The project is composed of two parts, the competition hall and the training center. Competition hall basement, garage and equipment room equipment; two museums underground layer are connected as a whole, surrounded by four layers, the local five layer; training hall, the structure and the shape of the sphere of the cutting part, the two museums apart 27 meters, training hall at both ends of the local layer, middle layer, main structure for H type steel frame structure, structural height of 25 meters. Spatial structure of game hall for the radius of the circle 54.187 meters of pipe truss spherical body, force system for space tube truss system, from specimens of longitudinal main truss and 7 pin crosswise trusses composed of hemisphere grid mesh.

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