
Lishui Stadium
Source:  Date:2015-07-29 17:11:27  Author:


Name: Lishui Stadium

Detail:The construction area of the stadium is 21 thousand sqm, including fixed stands of 3300 and 2300 of flexible seats. The steel structure part of the project is a bowl-like space net shell structure, forming a lotus, representing the city image of Lishui a city of lotus. The crown is pre-stressed cable-membrane structure. The highest elevation in the middle part is about 30.600 meter, Net shell structure members are all box-sectioned, hinged with reinforced concrete structure at the lower part. The notochord of the cable membrane structure is also the bearing cable, supporting the central steel structure cradle; the valley cable is a steadying line, preventing the vertical vibration of the roofing. The membrane functions as covering and transferring the loads.

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