
Group to carry out a series of staff training activities
Source:  Date:2017-12-03 15:19:33  Author:

In order to further improve the overall quality of staff, strengthen the group cohesion and combat effectiveness, the group decided to all employees in the ideological quality, professional quality, operation skills, the code of conduct for all-round training. Reasonable arrangements for relevant departments to carefully organize, group, and hired prominent in special business skills colleagues for lecturers teach classes.12 the morning of 2 August, Wang Yihua told < - > before Thanksgiving as the theme of the ideological education for all administrative personnel, the dissemination of positive energy.

The morning lectures through several vivid and inspiring story, let us deeply understand how to face life, face, face the people and things around, especially in the usual work, how to deal with the difficulties and pressures, lectures lively, easy to understand, let all employee benefit.

The group will also regularly train the relevant staff on technical, technological, quality, safety, fire and other aspects, and the current preparation is in an orderly way.

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