
Chaofeng Steel Party Committee won the title of “Advanced Grassroots Party Organization” in 2017
Source:  Date:2018-04-08 11:14:43  Author:


Recently, the work conference of "Fengjin 2018" held in Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone was held. At the meeting, Chaofeng Steel Party Committee was awarded the title of 2017 Advanced Grassroots Party Organization. At the same time, four members of the group were selected as outstanding party members in the 2017 Development Zone.

In 2017, our company conducted an in-depth education campaign of “Two studies and one action” and organized to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Nineteenth Party Congress. We demanded that the political study and business management be carefully integrated, and the contingent building should be strengthened to improve service levels. The project site visits were carried out in a solid manner and all Party affairs work was confirmed by the Party Committee of the Development Zone.

In the past, without forgetting the heart, Chaofeng Steel continued to “build the first brand of China’s finest steel”, with better service and better quality projects to repay the society.

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